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Thank you to the EUNICE participants: 647!

The game is now open to anyone who wants to play. You just need an email and to get your brain ready.


EUNICE podium
EUNICE’s top scoring students

Article on the winners


SYNOPSIS – A new threat is looming over Europe: ten rebel groups calling themselves the “Disruptors” are causing chaos and division across the continent. EUNICE European University will become a supranational intelligence agency dedicated to safeguarding the future of Europe and its agents must participate in the mission to protect the European Union.

WHY: to celebrate Europe Day (9 May) and promote the European Elections (6-9 June)

WHO FOR: EUNICE students (enrolled at any of these universities) during the student phase, and everyone during the open phase

WHEN: student phase from 9 to 23 May 2024, and open phase from 24 May

WHERE: online

PRIZE: trip to Brussels and gifts (only for the student phase)


(student phase)

Game rules
  • Access the game individually via this link between 9 and 23 May
  • Use your university email address.
  • Points:
    • correct answers score points
    • incorrect answers deduct points, but unlock clues
    • you can skip puzzles after using the clues
  • Up to 40 min to complete the game
  • Only one attempt



ABSOLUTE CATEGORY. A trip to Brussels for the three top scoring participants during the student phase. It will include transport, accommodation and a guided visit to the European institutions.

LOCAL CATEGORY. The best participants of each EUNICE university during the student phase will be the “local winners” and may be eligible to receive additional prizes by their own university.


On the occasion of the European elections 2024, EUNICE joins forces with two Jean Monnet modules of the University of Cantabria -EUGREEN and EUFIREG- to foster awareness and participation in this remarkable event.

The main objectives of the online escape room “Code Europa: The Disruptor Dilemma” are:

  • to promote knowledge about the political system of the European Union: its institutions’ structure, functions, and impact on daily lives of citizens
  • to raise awareness of the importance of European elections and how they affect global decision-making

Players will take the role of spies to discover clues, solve puzzles, and accomplish tasks in order to safeguard the future of Europe. The game aims to encourage constructive thinking on relevant European issues, such as climate change, the economy, migration, or security, among others.

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